Welcome to the Taste of Strathmore – Let the Countdown Begin!
Join us the first Saturday in November, for the Taste of Strathmore, our premier fundraising event held at Most Holy Rosary Elementary School. This beloved tradition, recognized by the City of Syracuse Common Council as the longest-running neighborhood event, supports the educational programs and opportunities we provide for our students.
Why Attend
This semi-formal event is designed for guests aged 21 and over, offering an evening of live music, gourmet cuisine, a silent auction, and a raffle. Not only will you enjoy a fantastic night, but your participation directly contributes to enhancing the educational experience at Most Holy Rosary School, ensuring we can continue to nurture the potential of every child in our community.

How to Get Involved
We invite you to support the Taste of Strathmore in several meaningful ways:
- Donate: Contribute items for our Silent Auction or Raffle. Unique donations create excitement and foster successful fundraising.
- Become a Sponsor: We offer various sponsorship levels, each providing significant visibility for your business, including logo placement and recognition during the event.
- Volunteer: Help us during the event to ensure everything runs smoothly.
- Become a Home Chef: Share your culinary talents to make the evening special.
- Sell Tickets: Assist in spreading the word and selling tickets for the event.
Community Engagement
The Taste of Strathmore draws notable public figures, including alumni like Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon and Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh. Their involvement highlights the event’s importance in our community.
Make a Difference
All proceeds benefit the students of Most Holy Rosary, helping to provide high-quality education in a nurturing environment. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID 20-432-5029), your contributions are tax-deductible. For more information on how to support us, please contact us at tasteofstrathmore@gmail.com. Make sure to connect with us on Instagram and follow us on Facebook. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to seeing you at the Taste of Strathmore!
Dozen Dinners Drawing
The Dozen Dinners Drawing is one of the biggest highlights of the Taste of Strathmore event! As the largest fundraiser for the Taste of Strathmore, this exciting raffle gives participants the chance to win incredible prizes while directly supporting Most Holy Rosary School. Each $20 ticket sold helps fund essential school programs, ensuring that our students continue to receive the high-quality education they deserve.
Ticket Information
Tickets for the Dozen Dinners Drawing and Taste of Strathmore can be purchased at Most Holy Rosary Elementary School, or after Mass in September and October. Dozen Dinners Drawing tickets are also available through Most Holy Rosary Elementary School Students. Dozen Dinners Drawing tickets are $20.
- 1st Place: Twelve $100 gift cards (Dozen Dinners)
- 2nd Place: Six $100 gift cards
- 3rd Place: $250 cash prize
Winners will be announced at the event, but they do not need to be present to win.